They were also a gigantic pain in the arse.
This post is basically an excuse to a) demonstrate what a gigantic pain in the arse they were and b) post some glamour shots of the finished product, which I am almost deliriously (read: delusionally) proud of.
So here we go:
The basic design is an accordion-folded interior leaf with two covers made of a heavier material. Design-wise, we had several things we were drawing from.

The cover is a riff on the art nouveau posters that Ross and I like so much--especially the designs of
I wish that I had pictures of us making these covers. A local print shop, Hollander's, will create a letterpress plate from your image, and let you use their equipment to print the image. It was perfect for us. We had a grand time.

Step 2: Stick two ribbons to each side.

Step 3: Attach the back cover...flip...attach the front cover.

Step 4: Tie 'em up.

And done!

This is the map of the Arb on the back (you have to untie the ribbons to find it). We hadn't intended it to be a puzzle, but we're not sure what fraction of people will find it. Too bad! I'm pretty proud of it...

If that didn't seem so bad, consider that we did about 90 of these...which meant cutting 360 pieces of ribbon, sticking down over 1000 glue dots, and tying 180 bows. But I think it was worth it (at least now that it's over).

They're beautiful, dude. Seriously. That's some talent.
Thanks Becky! Ross and I didn't really intend to spend as much time on them as we did (well, at least *I* didn't intend to) but I'm so happy with the results that it makes me forget how painful it was.
After seeing all the work that went into them I'm thinking that the least we can do is keep it on display on the fridge forever :). They really are gorgeous.
We found the map/directions pretty quickly but I admit to being puzzled about what the mountain silhouette was. Nice story behind it, though.
It's definitely worthwhile because a lot of your friends and family will hold onto them as keepsakes. I will, at least.
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